Set out below are the fees and charges that are in place for using our website.
We charge a once off €3 registration fee to use our website, this ensures that you are identified to us correctly and you are over 18 years of age. You can Register as either a bidder or a seller, Both accounts allow you to bid on any items that you would like. If you plan to sell some items straight away then it is best to register as a Seller. If you would just like to see how our system works and bid on some items then register as a bidder. If you change your mind and would like to then sell some items , just inform our office team and we can change your account to a seller account easily.
Sellers Auction FeesSeller: 5% Commission charged on the final selling price
Listing Charges:
- Listing Fee – Standard Bottle €4
- Miniature Bottles €2
- Optional Reserve Fee – €8
- Additional charges may apply for account settlement featuring 3rd party providers
So an Example:
If you list a bottle with us for Auction and it sells for €200
Deductions of
Listing Fee €4
Commission @5% €10
Vat on Fees & Commission@23% €3.22
You will receive €184.06
Buyers Auction Fees
Buyer: 10% Commission charged on the winning bid
So an Example:
A winning bid of €100 on an item
Commission at 10% €10
Vat on Commission @23% €2.30
You must Pay €112.10 plus shipping Charges to your address.
Non EEA Credit Card Surcharge – 3% / Credit Card payments from countries outside of the European Economic Area will be subject to a 3% surcharge
Shipping Charges: please see our shipping and delivery charges page.
Please note VAT is applicable to all fees, carriage and surcharges.