1. Complete the registration form here, ensuring that all your details are correct including a telephone contact number and verify your email address and payment method. We charge a €3 Registration fee to help confirm the identity of our users.
2. Contact our Admin team on info@irishwhiskeyauctions.com with a list of what you would like to sell, and if you have any reserves. Please note that you must send the item to our offices before it is included in our auctions. Reserve must be emailed to info@irishwhiskeyauctions.com.
3. A member of our Admin team will then contact you with options on how to get your bottles to us. They will also tell you when the cut-off date for entry in the next Auction is. All photographs are taken by us here in Irish Whiskey Auctions so there is no need for you to try and upload picture’s directly to the site. Again please note that you must send the item to our offices before it is included in our auctions. Be aware that we only accept liability for your item when it is received, inspected and verified by one of our team members.
4. We will assign a unique lot ID to your item which will be your reference should you wish to contact us in relation to that item as we may have many of the same item currently in stock.
5. We will then prepare your item for listing in our next available auction which will include a number of professional staged photos and a complete identification and description. We well email you this listing for your records.
6. When the Auction is in progress, you will be able to view your item’s current status in your dashboard.
7. When the auction is complete and we have received payment from the winning bidder we will then securely package and ship the item by registered post to them.
8. We will transfer the payment for your items by your chosen method within 21 days of auction closing, deducting any associated fees of your listing plus VAT@23%.